Curriculum Innovation HAN School for Physiotherapy​

Period: 2019 – 2024
Client: Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen

This is a comprehensive project aiming to update the physiotherapy curriculum. Trigger was the dissatisfaction of students and teachers with the assessment program. In 2018, we decided to develop and implement the concept of Programmatic Assessment including the scientific evaluation. This innovation coincided with a rigorous redesign of curriculum content and didactics. The innovation is based on a number of guiding principles:

  • curriculum based on authentic issues in current and anticipated professional practice
  • flexible learning routes, flexible learning content, fixed learning outcomes.
  • collaborative learning in vertically organized communities of practice (across all four school years).
  • hybrid learning environment
  • assessment according to the principles of Programmatic Assessment using a digital portfolio Scorion in which information is aggregated (fig. 1 below)

Fig 1

The implementation is accompanied by an intensive professionalization program for teachers. We are now in the last phase in which we shape the practical learning period. In doing so, we look for innovative forms of intervision in collaboration with the professional field and professional association in anticipation of developments in healthcare and society.

Publications about this project:

van den Berg J. :

Veel ICT en Technologie in onderwijs bij HAN opleiding fysiotherapie.

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Parantion Scorion:

In gesprek met Marjo Maas over Scorion

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High Impact Teaching Event:

Programmatisch Toetsen

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Science Guide:

Ook als topopleiding moet je het roer soms omgooien

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Metis Advies:

Programmatisch toetsen: waarom en wat is de ervaring in de praktijk?

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Dijkstra A, Maas M, Kersbergen R.

Lerend werken aan toetskwaliteit. Onderwijsinnovatie 2018.

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Maas M, Dijkstra A.

Themagerelateerde toetsverbetering als fundament voor BKE-/SKE- gerelateerde toetsbekwaamheidsontwikkeling. Examens, 2020;1.

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Presentations about this project:

Maas M. EBMA Conference 2020:

How feedback is provided and received in programmatic assessment.

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HAN etalagebijeenkomst:

Good practice van een curriculumherziening

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