Recently completed and ongoing education projects.
Curriculum Innovation HAN School for Physiotherapy
This is a comprehensive project aiming to update the physiotherapy curriculum. Trigger was the dissatisfaction of students and teachers with the assessment program.
TOF-project. Development of a National Progress Test Physiotherapy
Together with a group of colleagues from different universities in the Netherlands (HAN, HU, Fontys, HvA, Saxion, Hanze, HS Leiden) we have taken the initiative to develop a national progress test (LVT) based on the example of the progress test in medical education.
Development of the Professional Doctorate assessment program for the Healthcare and Welfare domain
Universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands will start their own doctoral program in 2022: the Professional Doctorate (PD). Candidates are trained to be highly qualified professionals who learn to intervene in professional practice when it comes to complex issues.
Ontwikkeling van een interprofessionele leer- en werkomgeving
Met een team docenten van de Academie Paramedische Studies, Academie Gezondheid en Vitaliteit en de Academie Mens en Maatschappij, zorgprofessionals en leden van Netwerk 100 ontwikkelen we een online leer- en werkomgeving waarin studenten samenwerken om vraagstukken uit de praktijk op te lossen.
Midterm Review University of Amsterdam, School for applied psychology and Physiotherapy
A midterm review is requested and organized by the university. The objective is a critical evaluation based on the four NVAO standards and to obtain constructive feedback as a step up towards accreditation.
On this website I share my knowledge and experience in the field of continuous learning and professionalization. If you have any questions in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.