Recently completed and ongoing research projects.
Development and evaluation of a reflection method for hospital physiotherapists
It was a pleasure to supervise Rudi Steenbruggen with his assignment to develop a suitable method for the professionalization of hospital physiotherapists.
SPARK Development and evaluation of reflection method for community nurses
Together with my colleagues from Radboudumc IQ healthcare, we are developing a reflection method that aims to promote the implementation of nursing reporting guidelines and the guidelines for informal care givers.
Development and evaluation of a musical training for peoples with a cochlear implant. The Musi-Ci project
This adventure has been very dear to me. Not only because Joke Veltman challenged me to do research that was unconventional and completely outside of my comfort zone, but also because of my passion for music.
The development of the Musi-CI toolbox
Because the Consortium Musi-CI was motivated to continue the development of the Musi-CI training for CI-users, Joke and I applied for a grant to develop a toolbox in which instruments are available for CI-users, CI-professionals, and CI-researchers to support musical CI-rehabilitation.
Sustainable Peer Review
IQ healthcare has received this assignment from the Stichting Keurmerk Fysiotherapie. Peer Review is a reflection method for healthcare professionals to improve the quality of their work. Physiotherapists who start with Peer Review work purposefully on the quality of their daily work by discussing issues that are related to their professional practice.
The art of coaching
Keurmerk Physiotherapy gave me and my colleagues this challenging assignment. We will write a book on the ‘art of coaching’ professional peer learning groups in healthcare according to our professional experience.
Mind Set Go
Together with Annemarijn Hoorens, designer and lecturer in business innovation at Avans University of Applied Sciences, we help organizations involved in continuous learning, such as professional associations and professional networks.
On this website I share my knowledge and experience in the field of continuous learning and professionalization. If you have any questions in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.