
Research and Professionalisation
in Education and Healthcare

Onderzoekers, adviseur en wetenshapper Marjo Maas

About me

As a scientist, designer and consultant in the field of learning and professionalization, I feel most at home in the field of tension between research, education and healthcare. Because of my years of experience in these three domains, I know the language that goes with it and I know how to make knowledge developed in one domain accessible to the other. In my work I am guided by scientific theory on the one hand and the stories of professionals on the other. By taking a critical look at daily practice together with professionals and discovering how things can be done better or differently, room for quality improvement and innovation is created. People I work with describe me as knowledgeable, responsive, and creative.

About my work

Recently completed and ongoing projects

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress
Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress


Wil je klinisch redeneren toetsen? Stop dan met het zoeken naar het juiste antwoord.

In de fysiotherapiepraktijk is klinisch redeneren noodzakelijk om gezondheidsproblemen te begrijpen en op te lossen.

De online Script Concordance Test ontwikkelt studenten, docenten en de beroepspraktijk.

De opleiding fysiotherapie van de HAN heeft samen met Saxion een Online Script  Concordance Test (O-SCT)  ontwikkeld.

7 tips voor de ontwikkeling van een feedbackcultuur.

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On this website I share my knowledge and experience in the field of continuous learning and professionalization. If you have any questions in this area, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please fill in the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.