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Het coachen van Peer Learning in de gezondheidszorg

Say what you think. Show what you do.

Hoofdstuk 9: Hoe ga je de meetresultaten gebruiken?

Hoofdstuk 1: De professional aan het woord.

General publications

Van Enck H, Maas M, Biermans P. (1993).
De fysiotherapeutische anamnese. [The physical therapist anamnesis]. Transferpunt Vaardigheidsonderwijs. ISBN: 90-5475-014-6

Van Enck H, Maas M, Biermans P (1994).
De fysiotherapeutische behandeling [The physical therapist  treatment]. Transferpunt Vaardigheidsonderwijs. ISBN: 90-5475-029-4

Maas MJM (2016).
Script Concordance Test: Klinisch redeneren in onderwijs en beroepspraktijk (Script Concordance Test: clinical reasoning in undergraduate education and professional practice). Fysiopraxis 2016;2.
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Maas MJM.
Say what you think, show what you do. Ned Tijd Geriatriefysiotherapie 2018;6.

Dijkstra A, Maas M, Kersbergen R.
Lerend werken aan toetskwaliteit. Onderwijsinnovatie 2018.

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Maas M, Dijkstra A.
Themagerelateerde toetsverbetering als fundament voor BKE-/SKE-gerelateerde toetsbekwaamheidsontwikkeling. Examens, 2020;1.

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Maas M, van Heerde R, van der Wees P.
De ontwikkeling, uitvoering en evaluatie van een intervisiemodule Interprofessioneel Leren en Werken binnen ParkinsonNet. Radboudumc IQ-Healthcare (2020).

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Veltman J, Maas M.
Rapportage Project Musi-Ci. ZonMw ‘Voor Elkaar’ 2021.

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Scientific publications

Ophey M, Maas M, de Beer J (2006).
Onderzoek naar de inhoudsvaliditeit van het performance assessment in de hoofdfase van de bacheloropleiding fysiotherapie [The content validity of performance assessment in physical therapy]. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs, 25, (2), 88-95.

Maas MJM, Sluijsmans DM, van der Wees PJ, Heerkens YF, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG, van der Vleuten CPM.
Why peer assessment helps to improve clinical performance in undergraduate physical therapy education: a mixed methods design. BMC Med Educ. 2014;14(1):117.

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van Dulmen SA, Maas MJ, Staal B, et al.
Effectiveness of peer-assessment for implementing a Dutch physical therapy low back pain guideline: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther. 2014;94(10):1396–1409.

Maas MJM, van Dulmen SA, Sagasser MH, et al.
Critical features of peer assessment of clinical performance to enhance adherence to a low back pain guideline for physical therapists: a mixed methods design. BMC Med Educ. 2015;15(1):203. doi:10.1186/s12909-015-0484-1.

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Maas J, van der Wees P, Braam C, et al.
An Innovative Peer Assessment Approach to Enhance Guideline Adherence in Physical Therapy: A Single-Masked, Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial. Phys Ther. 2015;95(4):600–612.

Maas MJM, van ‘t Schilt T, van der Vleuten CPM.
De Online Script Concordance Test om voortgang in klinisch redeneren te bevorderen van fysiotherapeuten in opleiding en in de beroepspraktijk. [The online script concordance test to enhance progress in clinical reasoning in education and professional practice]. Examens 2016; 2.

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Meerhoff GH, van Dulmen SA, Maas MJM et al.
Implementation of the Dutch physical therapy quality program for patient reported outcomes measurement, an observational study. Physiotherapy 2016;102(1).

Staal B, van haren IN, Maas, MJM et al.
Serious gaming voor het vergroten van de adherentie van fysiotherapeuten en manueel therapeuten aan de richtlijn lage rugpijn: Een gerandomiseerde gecontroleerde studie [Serious gaming to enhance adherence of physical therapists and manual therapists to a low back pain guideline: a randomised controlled trial]. Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen 2016:7.

Maas MJM, WG Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG, Driehuis F, Heerkens YF, van der Vleuten CPM, van der Wees PJ.
The feasibility of peer assessment and clinical audit to self-regulate the quality of physiotherapy services. A mixed methods study. BMJ-open 2017:7;1-10.

Meerhoff GA, van Dulmen SA, Maas MJM et al.
Development and evaluation of an implementation strategy for collecting data in a national registry and the use of patient-reported outcome measures in physical therapist practices: quality improvement study. Phys Ther 2017:97(8):837-851.

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Lankveld W, Maas M, van Wijchen J, Visser V, Staal B.
Self-regulated learning in Physical Therapy education: a non-randomized experimental study comparing self-directed and instruction-based learning. BMC Med Educ. 2019 (1).DOI: 10.1186/s12909-019-1484-3

Otterman NM, Maas MJM, Schiemanck S, van der Wees PJ, Kwakkel G.
Development and validity of an innovative test to assess guideline-consistent clinical reasoning by physical therapists in stroke rehabilitation. J Rehab Med 2019;51:418-425.

Maas MJM, Rutten G, van der Wees PJ, Nijhuis – van der Sanden RWG, van der Vleuten CPM.
The utility of a script concordance test to self-direct continuous learning in physiother-apy education and professional practice. Submitted.

Maas MJM.
Say what you think, show what you do. PhD-thesis Radboud University.

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Meerhoff GA, Nijhuis-van der Sanden RA, van der Wees P.
Exploring the perspective of pa-tients with musculoskeletal health problems in primary care on the use of patient-reported outcome measures to stimulate quality improvement in physiotherapist practice; a qualita-tive study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2019.

Dekkers L, Satink, L, Nijhuis-van der Sanden M, de Swart Bm Maas M, Janssen A.
Educational programs for learning to observe movement quality in physical therapy: a design-based research approach. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 2020.

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Steenbruggen R, Hoogenboom T, Maas MJM, Brand P, van der Wees PJ.
Development of quality indicators for departments of hospital-based physiotherapy: a modified Delphi study. BMJ Open, 2020:9 (2).

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Steenbruggen R. van Heusen-Scholtalbers LAG, Hoogeboom TJ, Maas M, Brand P, van der Wees P.
Impact and feasibility of a tailor-made patient communication quality improvement programme for hospital-based physiotherapists: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 2020.

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Steenbruggen R, Maas MJM, Hoogeboom T, Brand PL, van der Wees PJ.
The application of the tracer method with peer observation and formative feedback for professional development in clinical practice: a scoping review. Perspectives on Medical Education 2021.

Steenbruggen A, Dolleman G, van Heusen-Schotalbers L, Maas M, Hoogeboom T, Brand P, van der Wees P.
Quality apsects of hospital-based physiotherapy from the perspective of key stakeholders: a qualitative study. BMJ open. 2022.

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Veltman J, Maas MJM, Beijk C, Groenhuis AYM, Versnel H, Vissers C, Huinck W, Hoetink AE.
Development of the Musi-CI training, a musical hearing training for CI users: a participatory action research approach. Submitted

Steenbruggen R, Maas MJM, Hoogenboom T, Brand PL, van der Wees PJ.
A framework to improve quality of hospital-based physiotherapy: a design-based research study. Submitted.

Vullings N, Heinen M, Adriaansen M, Vermeulen H, van der Wees P, Maas M.
Developing and testing a reflection method for guideline-based reporting in community nursing: a participatory design-based research approach. Submitted

Smeekes L, Verburg A, van der Wees P, Maas M, van Heerde R, Kerkhof A.
Feasibility of a quality improvment program based on routinely collected health outcomes in Dutch primary care physical therapist practice: a mixed methods study. Submitted.


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