SPARK Development and evaluation of reflection method for community nurses

Period: 2021 – 2024
Client: ZonMw

Together with my colleagues from Radboudumc IQ healthcare, we are developing a reflection method that aims to promote the implementation of nursing reporting guidelines and the guidelines for informal care givers. We work together with community nurses, informal care givers and clients to design and test the method. Nicole Vullings is doing her PhD on this project and I am co-promoter together with Maud Heinen.

Publications about this project:

SPARK: Self- & Peer Assessment om te Reflecteren op Kwaliteitsstandaarden

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Vullings N, Heinen M, Adriaansen M, Vermeulen H, van der Wees P, Maas M. Developing and testing a reflection method for guideline-based reporting in community nursing: a participatory design-based research approach. Submitted