Development and evaluation of a reflection method for hospital physiotherapists

Period: 2019 – 2023
Client: Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie

It was a pleasure to supervise Rudi Steenbruggen with his assignment to develop a suitable method for the professionalization of hospital physiotherapists. The context of the hospital physiotherapist is different from the physiotherapist in primary care. One of the methods that was explored was the ‘tracer’ method. We used design thinking and design-based research to develop a quality framework for hospital physiotherapy together with the healthcare professionals and other stakeholders in the quality of hospital physiotherapy. I look forward to the implementation of the results of this study. Rudi completed his PhD on this topic, Prof. Dr. Philip van der Wees and Prof. Dr. Paul Brand were his promotors, and Thomas Hoogeboom and I were the lucky co-promoters.

Publications about this project:

Steenbruggen R, Hoogenboom T, Maas M, Brand P, van der Wees P.

Development of quality indicators for departments of hospital-based physiotherapy: a modified Delphi study. BMJ Open, 2020:9 (2).

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Steenbruggen R. van Heusen-Scholtalbers LAG, Hoogeboom TJ, Maas M, Brand P, van der Wees P.

Impact and feasibility of a tailor-made patient communication quality improvement programme for hospital-based physiotherapists: a mixed-methods study. BMJ Open. 2020.

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Steenbruggen R, Maas M, Hoogeboom T, Brand PL, van der Wees PJ.

The application of the tracer method with peer observation and formative feedback for professional development in clinical practice: a scoping review. Perspectives on Medical Education 2022: 11 (1).

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Steenbruggen A, Dolleman G, van Heusen-Schotalbers L, Maas M, Hoogeboom T, Brand P, van der Wees P.

Quality apsects of hospital-based physiotherapy from the perspective of key stakeholders: a qualitative study. BMJ open. 2022;11.

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